Guten Tag,
wenn wir unseren Pfad bei der Installation auf der Webseite (Schritt 4) eingeben lädt es gefühlt 100.000 Stunden. Es wäre vom vorteil dies vielleicht zu beheben.
I get the following error downloading a podcast
2018-11-01T14:05:02+01:00 WARN (4): subdomain.example.com Celery task DbId: 783
DbTaskId: php_5bdaf9f469ee32.81256134
DbTrackReference: 783
Discourse forum:
If the dark theme is selected from Preferences->Interface->Theme, the site does not render correctly. It appears as if there is no CSS loaded for that theme.
I've installed the latest version of Libretime, and I set the media folder as default : **/srv/airtime/stor/**
So, I want to change it to another folder, I'm on production server (Ubuntu Serve…
Hello i installed libretime and found misspelling on preference/stream-setting
Written : Авто откоючение внешнего потока:
Must be : Авто отключение внешнего потока:
If i find something else you…
habe libretime auf meinem ubuntu-server installiert und im browser eine rudimentäre website. Frage mich wie ich nach erfolgreicher Installation mit dem setup beginnen kann. Mein localhost zeigt…
Hey guys,
I've been trying to find a solution to this but can't figure it out. Is there some way to accomplish this? Basically I would like todo what the Title says. To avoid the DJ's to get access t…
This is probably a simple fix, but the little help tips that show up when users are doing tasks for the first time like creating shows point to http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/airtime-pro-for-broadca…
Robbt updated
5 years ago
Libretime version: 0dd0a443f
When I click on a track in Tracks library and select Preview, a preview popup window opens up. The song plays fine from the beginning, but as soon as I seek to another …
Trying to remove default admin user after adding new Admin account and logging in but its not removing the admin account. Comes up asking to remove user but still the user is present in the list.