Add the capability to support precompiles in the stack. Demonstrate with one precompile.
- [ ] Trace generation.
- [ ] Reference rust implementation.
- [ ] Placeholder for circuit implementation.…
naure updated
9 hours ago
This is our first Malware Static Analyzer written in RUST.
Static analysis is a well research topic, where recurrently Researches are able to achieve 95-97% detection using a series o…
Are there any future plans to add rust language support?
Dear maintainers,
Rust 1.80.0 contains a couple of changes that break some packages: [an unfixable build regression](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/127343), and a warning for unrecognized…
Using rust-analyzer on this [crate](https://github.com/RustCrypto/traits/tree/a54bd0d7fbe7ea3543ff36eafbfbbb1b309aaccb/aead) (note the commit hash) results in two false-positive compilation errors (i.…
I set the HOME to ""
let home_dir = "";
Then run cargo test:
PS C:\Users\kiwi\rust\tesseract-rs> cargo test
Compiling tesseract-rs v0.1.18 (C:\Users\kiw…
During the pipx install I ran into
Running command git clone --filter=blob:none --quiet https://github.com/protectai/vulnhuntr.git /private/var/folders/yh/38q3l89546…
I tried this code:
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::env;
use std::fs::{self, File};
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
wxie7 updated
15 hours ago
### Preflight checklist
- [X] I could not find a solution in the existing issues, docs, nor discussions.
- [X] I agree to follow this project's [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/ory/sdk/blob/maste…