The sidewalks width field is a text field (!) and has to be cleaned up. The vast majority of rows are clean, with only 20 out of ~24000 rows having undecipherable text values. Some entries with widths…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Load feed
2.Check line 3 for example
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The shape files do not match the roads on the map
What vers…
I want to know if there is a possibility to input the data directly using Postgis or Oracle database without the need to export the layers format SHP from QGIS then input them back into QGI…
Use the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) shapes from the PyPSA-Eur dataset (data/bundle/eez/World_EEZ_v8_2014.shp) overlapped with the bathymetry data from GEBCO. Fixed-foundation for < 50m, floating fo…
While attempting to solve the TSP for multiple sets of points (by looping over
all the sets and calling the the constraint solver on each set), an error is
thrown: gflags.DuplicateFlagError: The…
trying to handle multi-layer SpatRasters and I am running into an issue when cropping the data. This error occurs as soon as the layer count exceeds 65535.
## Minimal Working Example
Per todays https://github.com/shipwright-io/community/issues/119 we concluded that this repository requires more documentation focus on different features or use-cases.
For example, how …
not sure how to do this exactly... need the age of the SHP file used to create the table. could possibly be a part of an automated data update rake task
Les multipoint, sauf erreur, ne sont pas reconnus dans les formats shp.
J'ai eu sur mon instance aujourd'hui un retour d'utilisatrice à cause de cette erreur d'exports (impossible d'exporter en sh…
V vizualizaciji.r sem poizkušala uvoziti prvi zemljevid, ki se nanaša na podatke, ki sem jih sicer prikazala že v graf2, ampak, da nebi bilo tako podobno graf1, vendar mi javlja napak…