![Screenshot_20230101-072125_The Blue Alliance](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/58848496/210161822-eb8323ea-1a1a-444c-8e0a-8bd689dfb65c.jpg)
When i click the "View Team's website" I'm getti…
When I try to run the app with a GTM built model on device it keeps triggering the following error when the buffer size is reached and inference should happen.
Failed to invoke the interpreter with…
I learn tensorflow from: https://codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/tensorflow-for-poets-2-tflite/#0
In step 2, we install tensorflow version 1.7, but in step 3 we want to run "tflite_convert"…
Are you planning on supporting the Flex deleagte for tensor flow lite? It's needed by the interpreter to correctly load models from microsoft customvision's exported models for example.
The conversion tools support most popular frameworks - but not the most popular of them all - TensorFlow.
It would be nice to have an easy way to port a TF network to CNNdroid.
Has anyone used `Mask RCNN` on `TensorFlow Lite`? I managed to create a `tflite` file from my network, but there are some `TensorFlow Lite` unsupported operators used in `Mask RCNN`: `ResizeNearestNei…
Greetings from the WasmEdge runtime maintenance team,
The WASI-NN API effectively supports `OpenVINO`, `PyTorch`, and `TensorFlow-Lite` backends. However, the design of the `set-input` and `get-out…
* Visual SLAM, SfM
* Barcode reader
* [x] Speech to Text: https://share.streamlit.io/whitphx/streamlit-stt-app/main/app_deepspeech.py
* Audio equalizer
* Snapshots
* https://discuss.streamlit.i…
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
TF 1.15
Python 3.7
Using docker
command to reproduce (however, I used my own data):
$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --data_dir $MY_CUSTOM_DATA --num_label_classes=2 --…
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onnx ocr 推理怎么显示多个备选结果?微信nlanguage
## 问题描述
- 错误信息
- 错误截图
## 具体信息
- 转换模型后用处
- [ ] 使用 Paddle 框架/ PaddleInfe…