For projects hosted on github.com (same applies to bitbucket.org)
As mentioned in #5, one great source is: http://scholar.google.si/scholar?start=50&q=github.com&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5
PLoS looks promisin…
getpapers -q extremophiles --outdir ./extremophiles (again)
many warning lines such as:
warn: Article with pmcid "PMC1586193" had no fulltext HTML url
...so I checked to see what PMC1586193…
getpapers -q 'Gasteria' --api eupmc -a -s -l verbose --outdir ./blah
above search outputs one curious (but technically correct!) folder called: Gasteria plant named 'WT10' with supp data inside (cor…
User page
- [x] Build a simple profile controller
- [x] Build a profile show view
- [x] Add Oauth ident and source
- [x] Add owned tools/repos
Tool page
- [x] Build a simple tool page (name, author, …
1. http://bit.ly/sw-ci
2. http://www.darpa.mil/OpenCatalog/index.html
These have fields (or categories, tags) too, so it should be fairly easy to include them. Would also be a good idea to incl…
I just spotted a weird process term(s)
"NMS complex interaction" involved in chromosome segregation (and descendants)
The interaction and association of NMS complexes required for kinet…
I am trying to do nested Boolean searches, but I immediately receive an error that an operator was unexpected. More specifically, it is the operator that combines the two Boolean searches that pr…
Please be aware that Europe PMC has recently removed the `dataset` parameter which Lagotto uses to search Europe PMC.
OAG currently supports PMID and DOI identifier types. It should also be made to support EPMC identifiers, and be able to resolve them to the Europe PMC web page, which is accessible at
We require a detect provider plugin for OAG which can download content from an EPMC web page (not the XML) and mine for two things:
1. The licence
2. Whether the item is an author manuscript or not