Defaulturile nu prea functioneaza initial
![screen shot 2016-11-28 at 15 59 21](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1633371/20712502/efcdf6f6-b64c-11e6-807c-028353534707.png)
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i'm working at a medical institute and i need to get .vtk-files to be shown in the canvas. i got it working with www.goxtk.com but i want to use three.js. does anybody know about the issue, that …
After the following SPL panic
[402052.331476] VERIFY3(sa.sa_magic == 0x2F505A) failed (1388795800 == 3100762)
[402052.331514] SPLError: 324:0:(zfs_vfsops.c:390:zfs_space_delta_cb()) SPL PANIC
The mail generation button doesn't do anything.
Tried in Safari and Chrome on OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan). Both browsers up to date.
node: symbol lookup error: /home/travis/build/mapnik/node-mapnik/lib/binding/node-v11-linux-x64/mapnik.node: undefined symbol: _ZN6mapnik20to_expression_stringERKNS_4util7variantIINS_10va…
Diğer bağlantılı repoların adını da (FloydStyle hariç, onun ismi gayet iyi) linkfloyd2-blabla ya da lf2-blabla şeklinde isimlendiririz.
**Update:** Dicționarul vizual este funcțional. Avem nevoie de un desenator care să facă imaginile.
Nu stiu sa propun de unde sa se faca rost de poze, dar trimit totusi feature request-ul, macar…
**Update:** Bannerul există deja și merge. A rămas însă să-l ancorăm de bottom. Redenumesc tichetul ca să reflecte asta.
Statisticile de trafic sunt: 59% desktop, 39% mobil, < 4% tablete. Ar mer…
## I have seen the daemon hang (1.8.3) under high load: https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/13885. However this appears different. I am now running 1.11.2 and had a hang under little to no load.
In content-link.php, in linia 24, functia patch_get_post_format_link_url este apelata insa nu afiseaza nimic, lasand href-ul gol. Eu am dat un echo (nu stiu daca e cea mai buna tehnica) insa acum form…