With a message like "Share links for large workflows are not supported yet".
Functional review: @TobiasNx
Code review: @fsteeg
INFO [de.hbz.lobid.helper.EtikettMaker.getInputStreamArray(EtikettMaker.java:91)] - use labels directory: /home/sol/git/lobid-resources-alma/web/target/universal/stage/file:/home/sol/git/lobid-re…
"Not found" e.g. for http://alma.lobid.org/resources/990369982720206441.json
Kam gerade über die Mailingliste.
Am 10.11.20 um 13:02 schrieb I.N.:
> die Recherche nach Schlagwörtern und anschließender Einschränkung auf
> eine NWBib-Sachnotation funktioniert z.Z. nicht.
- Functional review: @acka47
- Code review: @sroertgen
After upgrading H2 from 1.4.197 to 1.4.199 I started to see sporadic NullPointerExceptions in LobStorageMap:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.h2.store.LobStorageMap.copyLob(L…
Reported on 2019-02-28 via email by T.U.:
> die Verknüpfung von gnd 4380740-9 zu wikidata müsste meiner meiner
> Meinung nach Q179830 (Stadt in Lettland), statt zu Q5244309 Bahnhof
> Jelgava.
Two times Contribution.gndIdentifier:"1049517296", see http://alma.lobid.org/resources/search?q=990181275760206441&format=json .
Our productive web apps are running at quaoar1 - a machine with 64GB RAM.
Our fallback mirror is weywot2 - a machine with only 32GB RAM.
It's in general better to mirror to similar hardware, and w…
Originates in https://github.com/hbz/lobid-vocabs/pull/134.
We have to adjust the morph and also the code.