Hi there,
PersistGate gets permission to render before persist/REHYDRATE is actually complete. Both the _persist.rehydrated and bootstrapped values are true even before the persistStore…
Need to devise a way to use providers in endless loops.
# 引入
在组内做了一次 React 状态管理的分享,总结了一些 redux 的问题,安利了一下 mobx 更方便的地方。整理成文字,便是此文。注:本文未整理完,大部分都是列的大纲,预计周二前整理完。ps: 应该整理不完
# 目录
- React 状态、通信
- Flux —> Redux —> Mobx
- redux,mobx 对比
# React 为什么需要状…
[dva](https://dvajs.com/) 封装了 redux-saga,以 *effects* 的概念呈现,以 *generator 函数* 组织代码,优雅地处理了 React 应用中数据层的异步逻辑。本文以 [umi](https://umijs.org/guide/) 作为开发框架,展示如何在 dva/redux-saga 中实现如下的 **轮询(polling)** 逻辑。本文中涉…
## 2020.09.08 Meeting
#### Questions:
- 快速 review 今天的程式碼,討論架構上有沒有什麼問題
- 討論 Redux Saga
- 如何客製化 Material UI 的 component
- 討論自動存檔的可行方案
#### Discussions:
1. Reducer 裡面應該不能使用 async/await,需要確認…
original comment: https://github.com/tshelburne/redux-batched-actions/pull/18#issuecomment-364916115
## The devDependency [@types/jest](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped) was updated from `24.0.18` to `24.0.19`.
🚨 [View failing branch](https://github.com/knpwrs/redux-saga-selector-…
Hi, I have downloaded both react boiler plate and this application.
I can't recognize the boilerplate in login-flow, is this code compatible with the new app folder design / boot ?
Perhaps it is not …
kopax updated
6 years ago
I'm getting this error in the below action:
// Logs the user out
export function logoutUser() {
return dispatch => {
Thanks for this library. I know you are still about to support saga but have you had any progress with it? I am keen to help. Are there pointers you can give where to start looking and be able to supp…