V vizualizaciji.r sem poizkušala uvoziti prvi zemljevid, ki se nanaša na podatke, ki sem jih sicer prikazala že v graf2, ampak, da nebi bilo tako podobno graf1, vendar mi javlja napak…
not sure how to do this exactly... need the age of the SHP file used to create the table. could possibly be a part of an automated data update rake task
Identify whether exists, what format its in (file type and lat/long or address)
KCMO:.xls (contains address) and .csv (lat long but in one field so need to break up)
Lees Summit: .shp (
If a shapefiles with a space in the filenames of the .shp, .shx, .dbf and .prj files is uploaded in the Custom Area section, no result or error is shown
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Load feed
2.Check line 3 for example
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The shape files do not match the roads on the map
What vers…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Load feed
2.Check line 3 for example
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The shape files do not match the roads on the map
What vers…
## Issue
I am using a .shp file that describes an area in Zurich, Switzerland and I used Gismo in Rhino 7.34 to import the geometry into grasshopper. The SHP to Location battery generates location wh…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Load feed
2.Check line 3 for example
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The shape files do not match the roads on the map
What vers…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1.Load feed
2.Check line 3 for example
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
The shape files do not match the roads on the map
What vers…
Je fais une recherche libre dans le module ITINERAIRES par exemple.
La liste des résultats et la carte se limite aux itinéraires correspondant à la recherche.
Cependant quand j'exporte en SHP, celui-…