This is a catch-all for all "me too" configuration requests. If you can submit partly or fully working configs for printers we don't yet support, please do, as we rely on owners of machines to test an…
J'ai retrouvé le sondage qu'on avait fait l'an passé par rapport aux priorités de développements, on demandait une note de 1-8 (un : très important, 8 : pas du tout).
- Monitoring : 5
- Contrôle via…
# Nightly Testing Report
This issue([log](https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/actions/runs/9777434254)) is generated at 07/03/2024 05:03 AM, fetching workflow runs triggered in the last 24 hr…
Please don't close this message, it is a real issue from users. We all have difficulties sourcing 3.04 smartcards, so we cannot participate in the development and testing of SmartPGP.
At the momen…
I try to import the Open3D-iOS dependencies in the new version of Xcode 14, bur Xcode can't include it.
Can you help me to solve this issue?
Below the import result.
### Description
When building application with `Debug` mode on Xcode16, dSYM fails to upload to Crashlytics.
This is related to https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/issues/13202
这里记录了在 jetson tx2 开发套件上实现 WiFi 探针功能踩过的一些坑。
最开始想使用 tx2 板载网卡,但发现它不支持 monitor 模式。
然后在淘宝选了一款 esp8266 方案的 WiFi 探针,但受限于整套方案上网条件的限制(只能有一台主机作为出口),这个探针的扫描结果无法上传。
最后还是选了一款支持 802.11ac 的 USB WiFi 网卡,编译驱动…
### What happened?
On my fork of `cocoapods-spm`, I can compile the EX app target, but when the app launches I see the following issue:
dyld[97467]: Library not loaded: @rpath/ogg.frame…
thank you for your informations regarding bifurcation!
I did as you suggested and soldered the resistors and its working perfectly
total_forward_energy | Integer | { "unit": "kW·h", "min": 0, "max": 99999999, "scale": 2, "step": 1 }
-- | -- | --
phase_a | Raw | {}
phase_b | Raw | {}
phase_c …