### NetBox version
### Feature type
Data model extension
### Proposed functionality
Requesting that the device interface object have a status dropdown field added which contains …
### Issue Summary
# Issue
We are using the IP NAT feature implemented in https://github.com/aristanetworks/avd/pull/2750 and have the issue that our Ansible Playbook Log gets flushed with error mess…
Zadatak 4: Provjeravanje povezanosti s odgovarajućim stranicama: Osigurati da su svi gumbovi za navigaciju ispravno povezani s odgovarajućim stranicama ili funkcionalnostima na web mjestu.
https://www.tribler.org is not considered safe in Chrome, due to the use of a deprecated sha1 signature on the cert.
Furthermore, the certificate chain is incomplete.
Hello, I am trying to run `npm run build-mac-publish` in my repo, which runs this command :`electron-builder build --mac --publish always`.
When the command runs it fails after signing the app:
I know this is an ambitious and difficult request, but I think you may consider it...
MSX 1 machines differences are mainly defined by:
* Memory mapping
So, i…
Potrebno je implementirati prikaz profita po transakcijama na strani banke. Primer se nalazi na strani 121
Implementirati u postojeći softver scenarije 4-6 i pripremu za njih (vidi komentar), na način da se ispuni i uvjet:
- mogućnost upravljanja pojedinim uređajima u polju (definirati blokade, npr. nije …
In model 101, a single 5V DC input power source was used. The system depends on a external voltage source, typically provided by a brick adapter. This solution presents several drawbacks:
- Brick a…
## Šesti projektni zadatak
### Dijagram klasa i SOLID principi
Potrebno je dizajnirati dijagram klasa za model sistema koristeći prethodno definisani dokument analize i dizajna sistema.
Svi SOL…