The following example doesn't work for me.
Here is the error i receive:
I have to add user as an outbound caller in to my twillio account. The following code is unsing to add a user to my account
` const accountSid = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
const authToken = 'xx…
Using **node-auth 0.8.2**
I may be using this method incorrectly but tried to follow the parameters mentioned in [Passwordless Connections](https://auth0.com/docs/connections/passwordless) for the `/…
when i confirm the signup email getting this error.
while making a voice call request getting below error
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Services_Twilio_TinyHttpException' with message 'Couldn't resolve host 'api.twilio.com'' in /home/www/BCARD/cus…
Hey, is Paypal payment supported? I don't see it on Nici store!
Twilio not working in 3.1.3 ( Error at the time of authentication ).
Here are what we tried:
- Properties:
mzico updated
6 years ago
cf https://github.com/nicmarti/cfp-devoxx/blob/dev/app/library/sms/SmsActor.scala
Running locally, after I log in (via Facebook),
on the /api page, I click "Twillio".
I fillout the number and a message "Hello".
Click Send. I get:
500 Authenticate
The log reports:
GET /api…
I remember we looked at this before and decided we'd have to use Cloud Functions + Twillio to send the SMS messages