The Vue Devtools extension installation is not working as expected.
import CanvasSelect from "canvas-select";
export 'default' (imported as 'CanvasSelect') was not found in 'canvas-select' (module has no exports)
Uncaught runtime errors:
require is no…
### Page
### Describe the Inaccuracy
I've set it up according to the docs but I get the following error when running direct…
On a new install of Vuejs 3, I cannot get this to run.
import VueCropper from 'vue-cropperjs'
import 'cropperjs/dist/cropper.css'
## Description
When you import the MathType plugin in the CKEditor. import MathType from "@wiris/mathtype-ckeditor5/src/plugin" to my app.vue then make npm run start, then version.js:175 Uncaught …
## vue3
- [vuex](https://github.com/Huauauaa/vue3_news/commit/b71f41ed4f3bb483c6887eb568f386611b92e993)
module.exports = {
presets: [['@vue/app', { modules: false }]],
plugins: ['transform-es2015-modules-commonjs', 'add-module-exports']
## 2.0 入门
vue实例 就想一个核心枢纽一样,每个组件、视图或者数据和他打交道就行了,代码非常简洁
Hello, how can I use it in Vue2?