Add dummy data set for each exchange and the implemented standardized methods. These can simply be queries made to the api, dumped as a raw json.
make sure you commit each query call and its respo…
Hi Everyone!
I'm newbie in automated trading.
I installed the zenbot working well only on GDAX.
But I tried to modify the configuration for poloniex trading and it was failed:
"No trader API key…
first I would like to say, thx for sharing this amazing API!
my question is, if there a easy way to convert a symbol base or quote currency to usd or eur or any other fiat.
this would help to…
I'm trying to run the WebSocket orderbook example `python OrderBook.py`
I only get this back:
-- Subscribed! --
-- Socket Closed --
and nothing else.
# Which do you prefer?
Hello, I would like to open the discussion and get feedback on the syntax used to make requests with this client. For the most part, functions accept named variables to pack…
Stop orders still work through the API. Is there any way to add manual market actions (buy/sell market/limit/stop) to the CLI? That would be nice for those of us that use zenbot exclusively in advisor…
I have the bot configured on GDAX to trade BTC-ETH
It has been running for 3 days, the only thing in the logs are other trades being performed, but none are mine.
How long typically until it does it…
Any plans to support https://www.gdax.com/? it has a fix and rest websocket, documented here:https://docs.gdax.com/#websocket-feed and here: https://docs.gdax.com/#fix-api.
Running zenbot 4.0.5 in docker on a google cloud vps, get this error randomly.
{ Error: order cancelled
at Timeout.checkOrder [as _onTimeout] (/app/lib/engine.js:227:25)
at ontimeout …
I'm trying to test zenbot, run zenbut with the default config and without key to the exchanges, but zenbot don't show any chart, even in the simulation. Is it something a missed? Maybe mongodb? I…