とりあえず 39.21GB の GeoTIFF 中身チェック
* Size: 144,808 x 141,467 pixel (およそ 15万x15万ピクセル=225億ピクセル)
* Origin = (139.460526322999897,35.653509161690003)
* Pixel Size = (0.000000470615000,-0.000000384235000) […
I'm getting the following error when trying to put a GeoTIFF image on the map page. Although I followed the instructions. Please help me
I'm attempting to implement the updateColors function, but I'm struggling and haven't been able to find any examples of its usage. I'm essentially looking to modify the overlayed georaster bas…
Thanks so much for the efforts of authors : )
This repository helps me a lot for my work.
I would like to share this Jupyter Notebook where you can predict your large geotiff to shapefile polygons.
In About page data tables,
Russell, Tom, Nicholas, Chris, & Bernhofen, Mark. (2023). Annual probability of extreme heat and drought events, derived from Lange et al 2020 [Data set]. Zenodo. https:/…
Hi, thanks a lot for your work!
I'm new to JS and not sure how to properly use the GeoRasterLayer's pixelValuesToColorFn option.
I want to display transparent zones where the values equal -99.0 …
I generated 3 test files from the same source file with:
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -r med -ts 500 0 -co COMPRESS=LZW -co NUM_THREADS=4 -co TILED=YES -co PREDICTOR=1 dsm.tif out_1.tif
gdalwarp -…
# COG (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF) への着手は遅延させる
date: 2022-11-26
status: proposed
## Context
- COG は話題になっている。
- 多数の単写真を閲覧させるシステムで、サーバ側のデータベースを使わせるパターンが多いが、そのやり方では脆弱でありスケールもしにくい。
- 多数の GeoTIFF ファイルか…
I'm still wondering if the SPLAT data files (*.sdf) are really necessary. Wouldn't it be possible to load a digital elevation model (DEM) into the RAM on the fly just after calculating the geographica…
There's a few more implementations that I know about that we should add in (and probably are more that I don't know about)
* cog-explorer - pure javascript cog viewer
* geotiff.js - pure javascrip…