Welcome to Scala version 2.8.0.r18844-b20091001021053 (Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM, Java 1.7.0-ea).
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scala> val args = Array…
I'm generating an RSS feed of events. When the following code hits an escaped apostrophe in the input it dies.
``` javascript
var entry = items[i];
When using the scala compiler, the following code fails properly:
object Crasher
object Test {
def good(n : Int) : Unit = {
def kaboom(n: Int) : Crasher = {
Given the following test code:
trait a {
object foo {
def bar = List(1,2).map(_*2)
trait b {
object foo {
def bar = List(1,2).map(_*2)
class foo { }
...the gen…