Great project! I am just having a bit of an issue with openCV and GStreamer. Any suggestions would be much appreciated
> [ WARN:0] global ../modules/videoio/src/cap_gstreamer.cpp (1824) h…
What you did:
Visit a page that has an iframe embedded. You have to visit it under an HTTPS connection.
What happened:
The content in the iframe does not open.
What you expected to happen:
The conte…
I have been fighting with this for a while now and I am at a loss. For whatever reason the plugin refuses to build on never versions of ruby on our system.
# /opt/chef/embedded/bin…
With `"java.import.gradle.wrapper.enabled": false`, the import prefers the embedded Gradle over the Gradle on the Path. This is counterintuitive and leads to errors: currently the embedded Gradle …
Currently, analysis boards, live games, and the puzzle of the day are available to embed via iframe. Other pages are blocked from embedding because of the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header (set in Lil…
Getting this error due to runway model not being published anymore
```Model load has failed. Doesn't exist.
401 Client Error. (Request ID: Root=1-66d9c604-59b6335f0494a4e01485d87a;0fd52886-efef-4…
update Open Liberty Operator version of Grafana dashboard to be in sync with the latest Open Liberty standalone dashboard posted at grafana.com.
when complete, please open an issue at https://githu…
exiftool -overwrite_original -EXIF:ColorMatrix2='1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0' foo.dng
2. Open `foo.dng`.
3. Color Management > Input profile > Camera standard, segfault.
Test ima…
### Describe the bug
Scastie's embedding feature is broken in all major browsers
### Scastie snippet link
### To Reproduce
1. Open any Scasti…
Downloading /home/brian/.cache/bundix/https_rubygems_org_gems_sass-embedded-1_63_6-x86_64-linux_gem from https://rubygems.org/gems/sass-embedded-1.63.6-x86_64-linux.gem