## 关键字
* Continuous Profiler
* metric
* trace
* log
is there really only [one read-only command available](https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-mysql-release/blob/release-candidate/docs/proxy.md#api) (API with stats) and a dashboard?
as an opera…
while exec the following code,
# Running this cell is equivalent to running the following command:
# (cpu) bazel run -c opt //lingvo:trainer -- --logtostderr --model=punctuator.codelab.RNMTM…
As an user of the alert table, I would like to be able to turn on/off the inspect button on the alert table.
- [ ] tiny3d.lidar_robust(dataset, robusten_method_name)
Since tms on edges are pytbuda remain, we want to transfer to tms as regular ops. I wanted to track where tms are added on edges in compile, and it turns out that initial graph already has tms on edge…
- [ ] tiny3d.domain_adaptation(domain1_data_path, domain2_data_path, model)
support tiny3d.lidar_simulator(data_path, expanding_method_name)
- [x] Rainy Day
- [ ] Snow Day
- [ ] Foggy Day
The last matmul in the Bloom causal_lm is implemented using torch.matmul ([link to code](https://github.com/tenstorrent/tt-metal/blob/main/models/demos/grayskull/functional_bloom/tt/ttnn…
What is a virtualenv. What are the main advantages of using a virtualenv for your project.
Create a requirements file that will allow all dependencies to be installed for your project