A wallet that's locked by default is generally a bad idea.
Lots of people will forget the password and then everything is lost.
Locking the wallet should not be done automatically, ever.
Let them do i…
rj134a [8:16 AM]
I'm trying to send sia coins from my 0.3.0 wallet to an address on the updated 0.3.2. I'm sending over 2 million and says error transaction too large
rj134a [8:17 AM]
Yet the balan…
The wallet does a lot of IO once it starts to get big, because it writes the entire file every time. We need some way to minimize this, perhaps by using append. I was also thinking we could break it i…
Some additional features are needed for exchange implementation to be possible:
1. An API method that lists all transactions the wallet is involved with, including both sending and receiving. Each tra…
Right now I'm just improvising miner fees. But really, the wallet should work to figure out what kind of fee is good, and the user should be able to set high fees in special conditions.
Also, at some…
Siad seems to exit if there's no internet connection. This is a problem because it makes the UI unusable.
URL length restrictions will likely prevent pasting a large .sia file into a query string. It makes more sense to use a POST request here anyway. Wikipedia says:
> POST's place in the range of HTTP m…
Running on 32-bit cygwin:
$ siad
Warning: config file not found. Default values will be used.
Failed to create daemon: rename sia.wallet_temp sia.wallet: Cannot create a file when that file alre…
rename siacore to consensus, because it handles consensus
break siad into two pieces, siacore and sia
siacore will handle wallets, hosts, state, consensus, etc.
siad will create an api for interactin…