### Describe the bug
Generation of longer phrases seems to garble the output after about the 30 second timestamp. The resulting files sound random: one was 60 second long, while this attached lasts o…
### Describe the bug
After unzip of "vocoder_models--de--thorsten--hifigan_v1" the unzipped directory is: "vocoder_models--de-thorsten-hifigan_v1" could you please rename the zipped directory so that…
My training script for tacotron
python -m multiproc train.py -m Tacotron2 -o ./output/ -lr 1e-3 --epochs 1 -bs 32 --weight-decay 1e-6 --grad-clip-thresh 1.0 --cudnn-enabled --log-file nvlog.json --…
我最近也有这样的想法,因为gal语料很多,但是准备想用 fastspeech2或者tacotron2来尝试的,不知道大佬之前是否有做过调研?还是看这个模型出的比较近,感觉效果会更好一点?
### 🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch
Requested by Nikita as a dependency for enabling nvfuser by default:
"... we should validte that it would not regress some common trainign workflows like:"
### Describe the bug
raceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/conda/envs/coqui/lib/python3.8/site-packages/trainer-0.0.14-py3.8.egg/trainer/trainer.py", line 1533, in fit
After this PR https://github.com/pytorch/benchmark/pull/1261 change https://github.com/pytorch/benchmark/commit/94078d9288ff99ef50557a3bd87970badbef0458#diff-fcf1c48cd82709b9bd6dc7881e2a425d15502a7592…
1. Why you set lr=0.00002, have you tried other settings, is lr=0.00002 the best?
2. In the paper, the time loss is an import point, but in my training, the time loss seems not decline.
I use my …