This is not an issue about this particular codebase, but about this project as a whole.
Currently we have two "stefil" packages in the Quicklisp: [`stefil`](https://github.com/quicklisp/quick…
It would be cool to have a way to see all defined packages in the current image, and then to be able to browse the symbols in each package + some sort of filter by type, i.e. functions, macros, variab…
fonol updated
2 years ago
This issue contains a proposal to use [coalton](https://github.com/stylewarning/coalton) in quilc as well as the roadmap for implementation of both coalton into the compiller as well as the correspond…
When running `ql2nix --quicklisp-setup ~/quicklisp/setup.lisp --system-file ./my-scripts.asd`, I get the following error:
While evaluating the form starting at line 129, column 0
of #P"…
When I try to start slime, I usually get more-or-less this text in buffer *sldb sbcl/1*, but sldb doesn't work -- it just hangs:
The loaded code expects an incompatible layout for class SB-PRETTY:PRE…
Is the data packed as Big Endian, which is considered the default network byte order?
Also, do you handle bit fields?
Do you mind if I refer to this in my "[ojproto](https://github.com/ojmakke/o…
32.E3-irteusgl$ (reverse (cons 1 2))
SBCL returns type error for argument.
$ sbcl
This is SBCL 1.1.14.debian, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp.
More information ab…
It would be useful to have a lisp printer to generate lisp code, for example, `(x - 2*x + 1)**2` would become `(* (+ x (* -2 x) 1) (+ x (* -2 x) 1))` (if lisp has a power operator it could optionally …
Hey there, I saw this on Slashdot, congratulations on being noticed. I've been working on another approach to the problem of adding lisp-like macros to C-like languages. It's part of a work-in-progre…
Welcome to Macintosh Common Lisp Version 5.2.1!
? (read-from-string "0.6146281499692686 ")
? (setf *READ-DEFAULT-FLOAT-FORMAT* 'double-float)
? (read-from-string "0.6…