**Describe the bug**
I've saved PyTorch model, and now I am trying to load it on ONNXRuntime:
sess = rt.InferenceSession('ocr_model.onnx')
but this throws an error:
使用crnn-mxnet的Synthetic Chinese Dataset样本,执行
python ./cnocr-master/scripts/cnocr_train.py --loss ctc --dataset cn_ocr --data_root ./data/images --train_file ./data/train.txt --test_file ./data/test.tx…
How can Dilated convolution be employed in the current setting. ?
Came across this repository doing similar ..
想请教下 你的mixed_second_finetune_acc97p7.pth 模型文件 是基于360万张开源数据集+自己本地脚本生成的,一些本地常用文字组合的数据集 一次训练出来的呢 还是基于开源数据集训练生成的模型 再而二次训练生成的?
还有一个问题是 我试了一下你的模型文件 对于白底黑字识别精度挺好的 但是对于复杂一些的背景识别结果一般,和网上一些其他开源的模型文件识别结果有差距 是因为…
thanks for your great work.
I want to train net on my own data, but I don't know the format of training set. So can you tell me the format of image name and train txt file?
Besides, is there any req…
Thank you so much for sharing this useful code with us.
I am trying to convert a keras code to core ML.
thia is the source code Im working on.
## 🐛 Bug
When I use a multi-threaded server to run rnn, it will segment fault. So I dig into it with gdb and find it crashes in ```torch/nn/modles/rnn.py```. I am new to PyTorch and cuda programmin…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "demo.py", line 3, in
import model
File "/home/abc/github/chinese-ocr/model.py", line 5, in
from crnn.crnn import crnnOcr
File "/home/abc/g…
Bro I completely followed Ur approach but have some doubts related to CTPN model for text detection....