I generally adhere to the Python philosophy that it is better to ask forgiveness than permission. However, in this case it makes sense to gauge the opinions of @davidrmiller and other active contribut…
Thank you for developing the tool. I am having an issue running it. Below is the command I ran with docker.
`docker run -d -v /media/Data_1/tianrm/projects/plasmid_identification/4/testing/plasmido…
Hi Team,
I noticed that there is a huge differences between rmsk.bigBed and GCF_009914755.1_T2T-CHM13v2.0_rm.out as shown below:
5,586,304 rmsk.bed (converted from rmsk.bigBed using bigBedTob…
I'm running bdgcallpeak on a bedGraph file optained from an input normalised bigwig file (operation used was subtraction). The minimum value in the file is approximately -5000, and the maximum is appr…
Is it posssible to calculate LD between chromosomes ( they are not actual chromosomes, they are scaffolds which might be physically linked)? I have not been able to find the proper option.
Variation APIs that bring together Ensembl Variation, VCF file format, GFF3+GVF file format, samtools, Picard, GATK, etc.
Several similar file specifications exist for dealing with sequence variation…
Hi, there:
I found that the l**east significant P-value** of your example data mr_dat$**exp_df** is 4.2308e-09. Does this means that all SNPs included in exp_df must be genome-wide significant?
When I run phasdetect to the step of phasing analysis , the program reports an error saying:
sh: ./phased_08_31_09_47//home/appl/software/PHASIS-3.3/test-data/2600_norm.txt.GoEz7MqgxwW: No suc…
Dear Author:
I am using the ntsm tool (v1.0.1) to verify the correct correspondence of multiple sequencing samples from the same individual. However, I encountered challenges when applying it to no…
I get the below error when running on a HPC with 120 cores and 500GB RAM. I read that 137 relates to memory so I increased the allocation to 250G using the -c parameter and a mem.config file, as sugge…