```Dockerfile```config file
# 基于最新的 node 镜像
FROM node:8.11.1
# 复制当前目录下所有文件到目标镜像 /app/ 目录下
COPY . /usr/src/app/
# 修改工作目录
WORKDIR /usr/src/app/
# yarn 一下,安装依赖
RUN ["yarn", "install"]
# 端口…
When using the OIDCStrategy in passport-azure-ad, looking to use cookies instead of sessions to retain the security token and to go completely stateless. Receiving an error in the Passport-Azure-Ad f…
#### This issue pertains to the following package(s):
- [ ] GraphQL Playground - Electron App
- [x] GraphQL Playground HTML
- [x] GraphQL Playground
- [x] GraphQL Playground Express Middleware
gajus updated
5 years ago
I know that you are working on the docs for the upcoming version but I'm really curious about the `redirectLocation` argument on the `match` method... Is there a way of reaching it from a component li…
I got this error when try to use your package:
var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, (RedisStore.__proto__ || Object.getProt…
比如 我在controller里面使用了this.ctx.session.id = '123213'; 但是我想拿到ssid给手机端,我发现没有办法拿到,而在red is 里面则必须通过keys * 才能看到ssid,但没办法识别是哪一个用户的,也就是说sessionredis存session时是以ssid为key,id为value的方式来存的
Here is my code:
// passport-init.js
import passport from 'koa-passport'
import { Strategy } from 'passport-local'
import {
} from './UserSchema'
It exists https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/koa-logger
but does not come up. Same with other koa- varieties. e.g. koa-send koa-session-minimal
`ctx.login(payload, err => {`
if (err) {
ctx.status.response = 400;
ctx.response.body = { error: "dick 2" };
} else {
// generate a signed json web …
hi johannes,
I created a new site with the following command
`docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd):/usr/src/app joehoppe/vapid`
when I try to open the dashboard with http://localhost:3000/dash…