I experience some difficulties with the caching mechanism.
I have a document db and documents store references to other documents.
If I modify these references without altering the document its…
He observado un grave problema que existe en la herencia que se ha creado en la jerarquía de modelos al utilizar o2m -> l10n.es.aeat.tax.line. El indice del modelo no es unico, sino único por …
Showing this error when adding one2many in kanban view
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'append' of undefined
plz any body help me
this is my code.py
# -_\- coding: utf-8 -_-
from lxml import etree
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
from openerp.exceptions import except_orm, Warning, RedirectWa…
When removing a user from a Project team "template", it deletes the user completely from the system
It is happening when using the view where you can prepare teams with members that can be used later…
I need help to explain how it work in odoo 8. please if you can make example
Right now, the currently generated schema [here](https://github.com/joshblack/cds-graph/blob/master/src/schema/__tests__/schema-test.js#L9) is either generated incorrectly, or the way that we send th…
Steps to replicate error:
- Multicompany enviroment
- Partner with company_id not set and almost one bank account with almost one Banking mandate.
- Banking mandata must have company_id set to current…
Saat ini saat OP ditarik dari SO akan mengecek nilai sisa dari OP yang sudah DONE.
Bug terjadi jika DN di retur dan akan di kirim barang penggantinya
Pada OP tidak bisa menarik SO item lagi dikaren…
Hello ,
I haved used one2many project and modified it to use audio only .
After the streaming is started , audio quality seems to drop significantly, but the stream has good banwidth.
Client :Node…