There have been a lot of requests for first-class bun support in NX. (https://github.com/nrwl/nx/issues/22283 & https://github.com/nrwl/nx/issues/21075)
However, I believe it's still too immature, si…
**Describe the bug**
The rover login command fails when trying to login after following the instructions at [Getting started with Azure Cloud Adoption Framework landing zones for Terraform](https://g…
[IndexedDB Observers](https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5669292892749824) seems like a really useful feature -- it would provide a more robust version of postMessage -- if an iframe or tab gets loa…
We could implement, as a separate applet, a FIDO U2F authenticator. Ideally, if the formats are compatible, one would be able to use one of the derived keys as identity for authentification.
## Problem/Concern
The goal of this issue is to come up with a roadmap and vision for 2024 efforts. The resulting document should be posted to the Theme Builder Wiki. Any contributor should fee…
Is it possible to get IFC standards development to be quicker and more agile?
Projects such as [FreeCAD](https://www.freecadweb.org/) and [BlenderBIM](https://blenderbim.org/) rely heavily on the I…
**Issue by [graphadvantage](https://github.com/graphadvantage)**
_Saturday Aug 08, 2020 at 14:56 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures/issues/1615_
Really just hoping to start a conversation about how people access developer documentation across all of the Open Badges tools and resources. I think it's generally agreed that the adoption process is…
I (or someone? please?) should give a talk like this.
This community is creating the future
- Node.js adoption is skyrocketing
- Open source software is eating the world
- Internet use is increa…