# Carrossel de blocos
## :sparkles: **Branch:** slider
## Introdução
O Slider Layout, como o Flex Layout, é uma forma flexível de criar um novo bloco a partir de outros blocos usando `children`. El…
# Carrossel de blocos
## :sparkles: **Branch:** slider
## Introdução
O Slider Layout, como o Flex Layout, é uma forma flexível de criar um novo bloco a partir de outros blocos usando `children`. El…
# Blocks Carousel
## :sparkles: **Branch:** slider
## Introduction
The Slider Layout, just as the Flex Layout, is a flexible way of creating a new block based on other blocks, using `children`. It …
# Blocks Carousel
## :sparkles: **Branch:** slider
## Introdução
The Slider Layout, just as the Flex Layout, is a flexible way of creating a new block based on other blocks, using `children`. It al…
# Blocks Carousel
## :sparkles: **Branch:** slider-layout
## Introdução
The Slider Layout, just as the Flex Layout, is a flexible way of creating a new block based on other blocks, using `children`…
# Carrossel de blocos
## :sparkles: **Branch:** slider-layout
## Introdução
O Slider Layout, como o Flex Layout, é uma forma flexível de criar um novo bloco a partir de outros blocos usando `childr…
The chakra ui component of `ElectionResult` is not rendering properly the results for the current election mock.
Could be a component problem or a mock problem, research deeper to try to find the f…
![Portfolio logo](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/87889660/156454592-129ac7f8-89ad-449e-b4ed-53258cec66f3.svg)
Llamas are great and all, but alpacas are where its at.
An alpaca mode would be awesome.
Hi Dan! Thanks for the amazing tutorial on YouTube. I´ve tried to execute the project but I was not able to. It seems that there is a problem with ChatClient among others.