According to the docs for 1.3 for [health access restrictions](http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current-SNAPSHOT/reference/htmlsingle/#production-ready-health-access-restrictions), a non-sensiti…
List of Exception Management Anti-Patterns and Code Smells
Code smells are defined as symptoms in the program source code which are
usually not bugs or technically incorrect but indicates a poss…
Code smells are defined as symptoms in the program source code which are
usually not bugs or technically incorrect but indicates a possible deeper
problem. Anti-patterns are counterparts of desi…
I'm working on system which has control server and a lot of akka-based agents. Each agent asks control server for config at each startup. Server takes default config, renders it and sends to agent.
_Stefan Hansel (stefan.hansel) wrote:_
It's very confusing and easy to forget, that members share their references when they are not initializied in the constructor.
**Sails version**: 0.12.3
**Node version**: 5.7.0
**NPM version**: 3.6.0
**Operating system**: OSX 10.11.5
**Expected Behavior:**
After successfully updating a record using [.update()](http://…
I (Jens) have added an initial set of three antipatterns/smells described
using the GQL. Find some more - go through the respective papers/books and
see how we can formalise them. This might requi…
List of Exception Management Anti-Patterns and Code Smells
Code smells are defined as symptoms in the program source code which are
usually not bugs or technically incorrect but indicates a poss…
Code smells are defined as symptoms in the program source code which are
usually not bugs or technically incorrect but indicates a possible deeper
problem. Anti-patterns are counterparts of desi…
_Fabian Jakobs (@fjakobs) wrote:_
If reference types like maps or arrays are used in the members section of a qooxdoo class the contents of those values are shared among all instances. This is usuall…