`highlighting-kate` works fine when [a markdown file's](https://raw.github.com/gist/3760445/aa5d1dfe9f0da43b67cad6fa40f5aecec78f4a40/gistfile1.md) output is set to HTML:
pandoc -f markdown input.…
Pandoc parses a markdown document into slides using the following rules (as taken from http://goo.gl/4CVWO)
- A horizontal rule always starts a new slide.
- A header at the slide level always starts a…
Pandoc fails on this document
--Begin file test.md
# Hello World
isWeekend Sat = True
isWeekend Sun = True
isWeekend _ = False
--End file
I would like to try framework option, however html output is always the same (grey). Is the syntax correct?
> slidify('presentation.Rmd',options=list(framework='deck.js'))