**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
To prevent unnecessary calls to the backend, endpoint request data should be validated.
**Describe the solution you'd like**
- […
To get the benefits of a format that can be operated on generically, validations should be maps, like Formative field specs:
{:type :required :keys [:foo :bar] :msg "blah"}
{:type :at-least :keys [:f…
**System (please complete the following information):**
- OS: `linux/amd64`
- GO Version: `go1.23.3 linux/amd64`
- Pkg Version: `v1.5.2`
**Describe the bug**
When running struct validat…
Please support reduce_all using the Data Parallel DDP API for tensors while using the SMDPP backend so that we can run our validation runs in parallel rather than on a single rank.
The papers resulting from this will report on early validation with HSC data.
These will provide a baseline for comparison with early LSST images which is important for the metrics.
These will also…
I have discovered an interesting problem in NJsonSchema validation.
For some context, I am using NJsonSchema to validate data coming in from a [json-forms](https://jsonforms.io/) implementation.
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
If you try to use anything other than `.mltemplate` as the material in mlsetupbuilder and use that in game the game crashes on save …
To explore and define the requirements, workflows, and potential technical approaches for enabling users to register new datasets in the data catalogue. The aim is to understand user nee…