Issue Type: Bug
I have been using Visual Studio Code and Code-Insiders for several months and noticed a few months ago that I could no longer invoke it after installing a new version. I tried ve…
The benchmarks use these packages. These need to be migrated and rolled into the SDK DEPS to complete the benchmark migration:
- [x] async
- [X] benchmark_harness
- [x] box2d (this is "vendored" …
Wonderful, fun little framework! 😃
I am new to Flutter as well as to Flame, so I've looked at the documentation for Canvas as well as the Flame docs and tutorials, and maybe I don't know wha…
The `flutter_svg` library is requiring the beta channel, which is not a bad thing, but that makes Flame get [UNIDENTIFIED] on pub.
Since SVG is only one feature from a big set of feature that Flame…
So bear with me me on this one... I'm not sure if it's really just impossible to simplify due to how inheritance has to work with mixins but I recently spent over an hour trying to figure out why `Res…
Crash submitted to Google Play Store, no reproducible.
at io.flutter.plugins.firebase.storage.FirebaseStoragePlugin.b (FirebaseStoragePlugin.ja…
Issue Type: Bug
1. extract `tracks.ply` from [tracks.zip](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/files/6454270/tracks.zip)
2. drag&drop file into vscode
I am getting the error: `Unable to open 'tr…
class MyGame extends BaseGame with TapDetector {
Square greenSquare;
Square redSquare;
MyGame() {
final green = Paint()..color…
There are some methods, like `Flame.util.fullScreen` that catastrophically crashes the game.
I think we should or do nothing when the method is called and is web, or throw a better message.