Sometimes, when a smart-contract is in the development stage, the storage changes, and sc's storage deserialization becomes impossible. To fix this issue, you need to delete your account, and then cre…
I would like to hook up my "Remko RVT 256" via the SmartControl USB WiFi Stick to Homeassistant. I recon this HA extension is not tested for this specific device, so I would like to dig into this.
### Prerequisite
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# Project Description
A Rust version of SecretJS and SecretPy - a Rust interface to interact with the Secret Network API server. This project involves contributing to an open-source library and pro…
I have a Windows 10 machine with Ubuntu 20.04 on WSL2 running. My projects are cloned into the Ubuntu. I am able to use the Remote Development extension to work on the code from the VS Code installed …
Are these legit failures? If not, I will remove them, but I would like to get jasmine into the rake run for Travis CI.
queso updated
3 years ago
I don't really know what is involved in doing this, so I will let the backend team take this issue on and create any new issues as you see fit. This one can be either edited or deleted.
The main t…
Is `qor-example` example purely to help development on the `qor` CMS?
Do people build their own store front with Angular or React on top of `qor` or `qor-example`?
Any help where to start will b…
I'm not sure what I'm missing in my setup. I have MatterBridge installed and the Shelly plugin installed and it all appears to be running fine. I can see that it is locating and communicating with the…