Rio isn't displaying the lines from a TUI-file manager correctly:
This is how it looks like in alacritty:
Choose images, text, icons, fonts.
The icon for the directory is not displayed. Although I use nvim and telescope-fle-browser - and it displays icons correctly.
Can you tell me what may be the reason? I use alacritty therimanal - trie…
I noticed that the following fonts are not available on **v5.15.1**;
- `far fa-times-circle`
- `far fa-check-circle`
However, in the documentation page, it says its supported in free version and …
No matter the Nerd Font I use, alacritty won't display all icons as expected (see the rust icon for example).
I've searched for a workaround but could not find a solution.
The image below showcase…
Running `flutter build web --release` at ~HEAD
> Expected to find fonts for (MaterialIcons, packages/cupertino_icons/CupertinoIcons), but found (MaterialIcons). This usually means you are referring…
The icon https://fonts.google.com/icons?selected=Material+Icons+Outlined:sensors is mentioned to work with flutter, but it's not available in flutter currently.
This is quite confusing.
I'd sugg…
Minimal reproduction:
code sample
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_local.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart' hide TextDirection;
- [ ] update fonts
- [ ] TeX icon
- [ ] splash of colour
- [ ] page nums
Automatically build and document icon fonts when they change