I would like to access to several levels of detailed information from the leaf nodes of a RF classifier.
Right after training, I would need to get the training samples which end up in each node…
I installed `catboost` on Python 3.6.3 within a Docker container (python:3.6 image). The installation was done through PyPI. The library version is 0.6.3
I can import catboost, but when I do…
Hi, I run the following code
path = 'fastxml_model'
clf = Inferencer(path)
pred = clf.predict(test_set[0])
And got an exception:
FileNotFoundError …
A self prediction of http://ecotaxa.obs-vlfr.fr/prj/200 with all categories and variables `%area,area,area_exc,cdexc,centroids,circ.,circex,convarea,convperim,cv,elongation,esd,fcons,feret,feretareaex…
In my best estimator I see a FunctionTransformer(copy). Is it useful? It just seems to copy the input to the output.
Hello, I am trying to test run your classifiers on our data, and am getting some errors when the system tries various classifiers. The relevant portions of the error messages are pasted below:
Hi, I've successfully used TPOT Classifier to arrive at a model that does a great job of classification (Y given A,B,C,D)
It's final choice was:
Best pipeline: ExtraTreesClassifier(RFE(input_…
#### Description
The default AdaBoostClassifier algorithm has a DecisionTreeClassifier as the default base classifier. This results in the AdaBoost only training one decision tree, since the default …
Corregir fallos menores, entre ellos:
- En Rotation Forest utilizar el conjunto reducido segun las clases(instance_classes)
- En Ramdon Oracles ver porque no funciona al dibujar la gráfica
- …
When using the DecisionTreeClassifier() sample_weight parameter, and weighting examples by class lable such as 2:1 for class A versus class B, the **nvalues** in the leaves of the tree produced by tre…