I'm not sure if this is a bug or me not using the library correctly.
I am trying to create a datachannel using a TURN server, but no Ice Candidates are found for it, so I am unable to send the rela…
I'm running datachannel in a server as an alternative channel to WS to stream data.
But i'm having problems to stabilish a connection, when i checked, the server side (datachannel) was not sending it…
Hi Paul-Louis,
I might be overlooking things but is it possible to force consideration of relay candidates only - in the browser API you can set the [`RTCConfiguration.iceTransportPolicy = "relay"`…
Hi, having some trouble installing on WSL for windows.
not well versed with makefiles, but I ran `make USE_GNUTLS=1 USE_NICE=0` as suggested in BUILD.MD, then i am trying to compile my hello world…
We are using libdatachannel on server with known public IP address. Is it possible to add this IP into ICE candidates in offer without using STUN?
Hello, author of [libdatachannel](https://github.com/paullouisageneau/libdatachannel) here.
This project is a very good idea to help democratize WebRTC! I think libdatachannel is a good candidate i…
I do not know if this is a bug or an implementation problem but when in non-negotiated node everything is working fine but when I switch to negotiated mode receiving channel does not stay open after t…
I've reproduced a locking problem I found in my application by tweaking the streamer example. However when debugging, the call stacks of the offending threads are different so maybe there are two _sim…
Hi paullouisageneau,
How do you think about removing libdatachannel as a submodule from this repository? A person using libdatachannel and datachannel-wasm together can add both of them as submodul…