(viscpm) zzz@zzz:~/yz/AllVscodes/VisCPM-main$ python demo_chat.py
use CUDA_MEMORY_CPMBEE_MAX=1g to limit cpmbee cuda memory cost
使用Mac部署的时候 提示没有使用CUDA的错误
(OmniLMM) crz@crzdeMacBook-Air OmniLMM % pip install flash_attn
Collecting flash_attn
Downloading flash_attn-2.5.2.tar.gz (2.5 MB)
akan updated
9 months ago
### Your question
2024-07-03 01:59:42,163- root:179- ERROR- !!! Exception during processing!!! 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'size'
### Logs
2024-07-03 01:59:42,163- root:179- …
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### Question
how to use llama3 in agent , it seems does not have function_calling
如题,想在边缘设备上使用,算力不高1.5 TOPS
### System Info
Optimum main branch, commit bb21ae7f7d572805f6ecdea8e0f02dc6014d57e8
Transformers 4.38.1
OnnxRuntime 1.17.1
PyTorch 2.2.1
TensorRT 8.6.1 (nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorrt:23.10…