When compiled with g++ 4.8 and "-Wall" parameter, the commented lines are causing "error: multi-line comment [-Werror=comment]" issues. It is not possible to ignore this in the code using gcc ignore p…
I am interested in implementing an interface for rendering the volume to use the openVDB .vdb data structures, which uses a sparse, tile based, multi-level voxel grid. Firstly are there any plans to i…
I have a computer with freshly installed Linux Mint 18 (based on Ubuntu 16.04), and have a linking issue when building OSPRay. I get the following error:
`[ 16%] Linking CXX executable ../../../../../…
I tried to compile OSPRay on our universities HPC cluster on a node, which supports avx, but not avx2. I got the following error messgage:
/cluster/apps/gcc/4.8.2/bin/c++ -fPIC -fopenmp -f…
I successfully compiled the ospray library and its dependencies on a cray system using the cray wrapper to gcc. However, the build process fails when trying to compile the ospTutorial application …
We've noticed that spheres (and cylinders) aren't rendering correctly in ParaView + OSPRay. Digging into the issue, I noticed that they look alright if "vertex.normal" is not provided.
To factor Para…
is it possible to render only a given subrect of the framebuffer (for example defined by top/left and width/height)?
I am rendering a volume in OSPRay which I write to a texture and then render on a full screen quad in OpenGL, I then draw other things. I need my OpenGL and OSPRay views to be the same.
I'm havi…
NanoRT rendering in ospGlutViewer has an artifact in its rendering.
It looks shadow ray computation is not working well(ray offset?)
syoyo updated
8 years ago
Generating and compiling a Visual Studio 2015 project using the latest Intel C++ Compiler 17.0 via:
cmake -T"Intel C++ Compiler 17.0" -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DISPC_EXECUTABLE=C:\Tools\ispc\v…