### Checklist
- [X] I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help.
- [X] 2. I have read the [FAQ documentation](https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdeploy/tree/main/docs/en/faq.md) but …
Has anyone meet this error?
`/home/admins/anaconda3/envs/yolov4/bin/python /home/admins/qyl/yolo/yolov5/train.py
Apex recommended for faster mixed precision training: https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex…
python3 train.py --img 640 --batch 16 --epochs 5 --data ./data/dataset.yaml --cfg ./models/yolov5s.yaml --weights weights/yolov5s.pt
Unable to init server: Could not…
I would like to discuss the choice of the actual representation for floats. I think there is two options : `float32` or `fixed.Int26_6`. The `x/image/font/sfnt` package uses `fixed.Int26_6` but I'm no…
After training for a single class following Train-Single-Class tutorial, I have an error when I run python detect.py --weights weights/last.pt. Do you have any idea how to solve it? Thank you
hello, I recently had to move to a new server and I got this new problem, here's my log.
Config / Flags:
config configs/bob.json
iter 500
batch 4
spp 1
layers 1
train_res [512, 512]
- [x] Obtain generation mix data for each ISO (https://pyiso.readthedocs.io/en/latest/options.html)
- [x] Obtain shapefile/GeoJSON for each ISO (DATA MISSING)
- [x] Import/exports for each ISO (DATA…
## 🐛 Bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "detect.py", line 162, in
File "detect.py", line 48, in detect
## ❔Question
Hello, when I start the training in _`tutorial.ipynb`_ I get a couple of erros in the output and the training stops.
# Train YOLOv5s on COCO128 for 3 epochs
!python train.py --img…
Dear Hailo,
the output structure of Yolov5 and Yolov7 is the same IIRC, so it should be possible to run the NMS on-chip.
I wanted to test this, so I took the yolov5xs_wo_spp_nms model of this zoo a…