**OS type**:
- [x] Unix
- [ ] Windows
- [ ] Other ([SPECIFY])
- [ ] vim
- [x] neovim
- [ ] Other ([SPECIFY])
**Vim version**: 0.8.1
For vim: `vim -v`
For nvim: `nvim -v`
Is there a way to manually specify custom path to coc-settings.json file? I do not want to read settings file from ~/.config/nvim.
### Problem description
when i type if, while or do while, auto complete not working properly, i think it maybe a problem from nvim-dap, is anyone has same problem , i hope it can work properly.
I tried toggling this setting, seems nothing has changed.
If I use a `:Hop` command in visual mode, I get a `E481: No range allowed` error.
We have written the needed data into your clipboard because it was too large to send. Please paste.
Issue Type: Bug
Restore full screen does not work if **Prefer tabs: Always**
VS Code version:…
I found this error with saving output files to disk. Maybe a sanitization function for the target should help.
Saving predictions to .\Avg_Quadrat_Yield(t/ha)\Avg_Quadrat_Yield(…
Error executing Lua callback: ...pack/packer/start/mason.nvim/lua/mason-registry/init.lua:69: Cannot find package "bashls".
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
I recently updated my neovim and plugins and when I went to open a `.clj` file I encounter this rather cryptic echo
Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: vim/keymap.lua:0: rhs: expected s…