I have created a controller and edge node setup using 2 VMs. I am unable to get a proper running setup due to the following issues seen:
**1. CrashLoopBackOff errors: Following pods are always…
req.inf.ntw.04 : The Architecture should support service function chaining.
Traceability : Is this VNFM/NFVO requirement?
it should be SDN requirements, the NFVO will onboard Network Service that…
Openstack deployment based on [fsharp-freeze-chef-recipes-ver branch](https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testbed/tree/fsharp-freeze-chef-recipes-ver).
Prerequisites (VLANs/Networks, flavors etc.) are crea…
trying to build for on a fresh ubuntu 20.04 install. Install preqs and srsgui. cloned, cd srslte, mkdir build, cd build then:
foobar@foobar-pc:~/wip/srslte/build$ cmake ..
Enabling/Disabling maintenance mode during vsd-dbbackup and vsp-upgrade-postdeploy will fail when there is a "VNF Infrastructure domain" because for these auto-created VNF domains it cannot be enabled…
Per 10/2 RM Ch 8 call, purpose of the issue is to close on definitions and terms of Compliance, Verification, and Validation, by comparing CNTT and CVC/OVP documentation.
Resource link: https://wik…
**Comment from Paris Meeting: Chapter 03 Infrastructure Abstraction - GAPS (Day 1):**
**Modeling Tenant: hierarchy**
Tenant separation. In network applications where the space is given to tenant…
As discussed in Prague, we need to decide on the base OpnStack version for RA-1 and RI-1.
we have created the list of ovf features and shared with Pankaj to discuss it further