The two component demos in page `/preparation/idea.html` of vue and react are absolutely different. How should they be compared in that case?
What a react component similar to the vue component sho…
[使用的官方在线的 DEMO](https://wujie-micro.github.io/),我自己的项目中也是这样,页面内的菜单点击操作后,点浏览器的后退,页面不会按我在页面点击的顺序后退,有时候是卡在子应用内两个页面不停的切换,有的可以正常跳转。测试下来,如果只点击左侧的菜单,后退是正常的,如果点击了子应用里面的菜单,后退就卡在了子应用内。
when i try to build web components by vue-cli, components that use @vue/composition-api not work nice
I have a demo component like this
{{ timeText }}
import VueCompositionAPI, …
最近做 better-scroll 2.0 的重构,我们内部敲定 [ VuePress ](https://v1.vuepress.vuejs.org/zh/)来写 API 文档。VuePress 对 Markdown 文件的处理是通过 [markdown-it](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it)。它内部的原理就是将 Markdown 渲染出来…
**Issue description:**
When using autoWidth: true and fixed item width I can get a lot of dots appear underneath the slider in the navigation which looks really off: https://take.ms/ukspD
As a sli…
### Clear and concise description of the problem
As a component library author I want to be able to load my existing README files into histoire, so that I can browse the documentation both inside h…
## やりたいこと
## **I'm submitting a ...**
- [x] support request
## **What is the current behavior?**
How can we access id in v-model. I am getting display value in my model variable. Please help???
- [ ] I'm sure this does not appear in [the issue list of the repository](https://github.com/arco-design/arco-design-vue/issues)
## Basic Info
- **Package Name And Version:** @arco-design/web-vue…
I just upgraded from v2 to v4. Now using the latest 4.1.4
I'm using this driver as per your v4 guide:
`import driverOAuth2Facebook from '@websanova/vue-auth/dist/drivers/oauth2/facebook.esm.js';`…