On running with the following configuration:
exports.config = {
specs: ['../tests/**/**/*.js'],
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
Im currently in the development of a project where we decided to test our front end code. We want to test basic staff, for example, when a button is pressed a label should appear, etc.
Is there a wa…
E.g., The failure of the expectation `expect(sut.popValue()).to.equal(5)` reports: **_failed - expected '2' to be equal to '5'**_. It should give a full description of the failure: **_'An integer stac…
It would be a really nice feature to have a /specs directory with either mocha or jasmine ready to go. Then Sails users could start doing TDD/BDD out of the box.
I am using grunt-karma. Here is my karma grunt options
karma: {
options: {
configFile: 'test/karma.conf.js',
autoWatch: true,
1.1.1 builds, but master doesn't.
Here is the log. (Ubuntu 14.04 x64 in DigitalOcean)
root@klang:~/klang/lib/igloo/build# cmake ..
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 3.4.0
-- The CXX comp…
I would like to do some integration tests in my project which uses memcached. So I try jmemcached-maven-plugin which seems a good solution.
If I have well understood the plugin, it starts a memc…
Are there unit tests for this lib anywhere?
it("primitive types") {
var a: CInt = 1
The expect line gives the error "could not find member 'to'", probably because C primitive types are not objects in the…
This is the last thing mentioned in my [the plan for rspec 3](http://myronmars.to/n/dev-blog/2013/07/the-plan-for-rspec-3#zero_monkey_patching_mode) blog post that we haven't done. Currently disablin…