Community name: Bitcoin Anambra
Location: Anambra State, Nigeria
GeoJSON: https://geojson.codingarena.top/?search=Anambra%20State%2C%20Nigeria
Icon URL:
Lightning: kesterbils@blink.sv
Social links: x…
Using a completion plugin like cmp or now blink.cmp, there are various options for to adjust the individual weight/priority of the sources. This is useful, for example, to deprioritize `buffer` (which…
* **I'm submitting a ...**
[X] bug report
* **Summary**
All the MaskedInput fields in a edit resource show it's values initially masked and then, less than a second later, turns into unmasked val…
I'm seeing this too.
I'm trying to evaluate blinker case study in your paper "Learning Temporal Specifications from Imperfect Traces Using Bayesian Inference"
I think we may run it with changing main code
Happens when on index and visit another route like 'new post' and then go back to index. The image will blink. Sometimes blinks on same page on refresh.
Possible solution: https://stackoverflow.com…
Hi There,
I'm running the following code:
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import Menu, { SubMenu, MenuItem, Divider } from "rc-menu";
export default function App()…
Hypothesis: because babel compiles the existing filename into the source map.
Idea: add timestamp to the file name.
Hi. I tried to update Cetus Pro FC 2.1 I with Cetus_BL_2.0.5.bin Now when connecting with usb or battery drone blink 4 times red.
Can you please provide actual firmware
- Replace BBW logo with Blink logo in center of QRs (invoice and paycode),
- Replace BBW in the header/nav of the page with Blink icon
- Add small line of text above "Powered by Galoy" --> "Bitcoi…