Defect Description: broken link across various labssteps to reproduce the issue:1) in list of experiments click on problem solving lab2) in the left top corner click on computer-& science engineering …
Description: Redirection to a link which is not found
To reproduce: click on this link:http://ps-iiith.vlabs.ac.in/ now, click on Computer Science written on the top
Expected result: get redirected …
![Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 6.03.57 PM.png](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/erwinqxy/pe/main/files/14fa1e0b-70f3-4a9e-a183-c43bea35e898.png)
![Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 6.04.29 PM.png](https://raw.g…
Computer Science had a previous timeline feature with 1600+ lines of code in a .json file. Entering these one by one would be a major (and unnecessary) task. Would it be possible to somehow import the…
There are no requirements for the logo. It is being made to use primarily for KSS's Computer Science / Game Design / Animation classes.
Preferred to not have lots of words on it, more so letters o…
User of the same name cannot be added into IW.
[Steps to Reproduce]
1. `add n/John p/123 e/a@a.com g/4.50 i/NTU c/Computer Science y/06/2025 j/Software Engineer`
2. `add n/John p/123 e/…
Your bot allowed me to see Oppenheimer at Lincoln Square and I am so grateful to you for that! I was wondering if it would be possible to rework it so people can find Dune tickets as well as it curren…
From the book "The MDL Programming Environment":
> Most of the documentation subsumsed in this manual is from published and unpublished memos of the Programming Technology Division of the M.I.T. La…
I noticed that the code is not Beautiful, this is problematic and made me and my computer science very sad.
Description: Redirection to a link which is not found
To reproduce: click on this link: http://cse14-iiith.vlabs.ac.in/ then click on Computer Science written on the top
Expected result: get redirec…