Based on BERT documentation (https://github.com/google-research/bert#using-bert-to-extract-fixed-feature-vectors-like-elmo) we can extract the contextualized token embeddings of each hidden layer sepa…
Hi Matthew,
Thanks a bunch for the documentation on embedding sentences programmatically. It saves me a lot of time! I did a little bit of modification so that I can use KnowBert to predict the mis…
Is there a tutorial or any sample code how to use `LanguageModel`?
I am trying to write a basic GRU-based `LanguageModel` and running into a huge inconvenience.
gru = GRU(config['embedding_…
Hi @lucidrains
I'm currently testing the `generate` function of the `TrainingWrapper` class.
When I use DeepSpeed and I try to generate a sequence it gives me the following error:
From the following code, I'm not sure if the glove embedding is going to be updated or just simply stay as it is.
from flair.embeddings import WordEmbeddings, FlairEmbeddings, StackedEmbeddings…
When trying your example
from danlp.models.ner_taggers import load_ner_tagger_with_flair
from flair.data import Sentence
# Load the NER tagger using the DaNLP wrapper
flair_model = load_…
Is it possible to train anchored LM for few-shot parsing?
I am trying to use your code for a new dataset, having a different set of entities. Since the entities are different from what CONLL-2003 and Ontonotes datasets provide, I need to train the Fasttext e…
In your code there are multiple references to ELMo, indicating that you experimented with contextual embeddings.
Can you share any of your results using ELMo embeddings?
I am currently getting f1…
比如bert embedding 是768 维
glove 是300维