**Bug Name: clear-doctor command accepts invalid arguments**
**Steps to reproduce**
1) enter clear-doctor command
2) after typing command, add any argument (eg: dr who)
throw a error sa…
The description in the DG for adding a doctor:
However the sequence diagram does not a…
### Checklist
- [X] I read the [troubleshooting guide](https://github.com/bluefireteam/audioplayers/blob/main/troubleshooting.md) before raising this issue
- [X] I made sure that the issue I am raisi…
[Screen Recording 2021-11-12 at 4.31.22 PM.mov](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nus-cs2103-AY2122S1/pe/master/files/47451be3-7203-4b2f-8729-41b7c01a60c9.mov)
## Steps to reproduce
1. Open the appli…
**Note from the teaching team:** This bug was reported during the _Part II (Evaluating Documents)_ stage of the PE. **You may reject this bug if it is not related to the quality of documentation.**
## Steps to reproduce
1. `add n/John Doe hp/98765432 eml/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123,#01-01 dob/25/12/1999 `
2. `add n/John Doe hp/98775432 eml/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 12…
## Feature request
#### Feature description
`ros2 doctor` should list middleware name and library versions. This is useful troubleshooting info, and it would be great to have it available to pas…
let user specify as an individual component, or auto-add when num medications > 0?
would be easy to add a doc visit schedule option (e.g., num times per year) but unclear how to make this intuitive i…