Hi there, I got a bit of a surprise from this package when running a `composer install`:
$ composer install
pixelfear/composer-dist-plugin contains a Composer plugin which is currently not …
Is it no longer necessary or of little benefit in v2? I am currently using [elfinder-flysystem-driver](https://github.com/barryvdh/elfinder-flysystem-driver) which uses v1 and makes extensive use of …
sdwru updated
3 years ago
Hi Yoel, thanks for the work on this cool package, Im just starting with Cloudinary and I was wondering how can I specify transformation when uploading files:
For example in this: Storage::disk('clou…
#### What are you trying to achieve?
100% code coverage.
#### What do you get instead?
Wrong coverage code.
If I run the coverage code just once i get:
ap117@DESKTOP-65F5KG3 M…
Hello, I ran into a problem when trying to switch to S3 storage on my Symfony project. After uploading an image file, the application proceeds to create a thumbnail using the `file_thumb` filter set. …
**Describe the bug**
Unable to connect AWS S3 Bucket
[2021-12-04 11:07:47] default.ALERT: Fatal Error (E_ERROR): Uncaught Error: Class 'Aws\S3\S3Client' not found in /var/www/filegator…
Hello, according these two issues in LiipImagineBundle :
We have to pass the **liip_…
The heroku deployment is not working. I have a timeout in the build phase (see logs below).
What I tried:
- click the button, log in to heroku, deploy in europe.
- changed the deployment (…
Liip\ImagineBundle\Imagine\Cache\Resolver\FlysystemResolver forces visibility VISIBILITY_PUBLIC on flysystem that causes an exception on flysystem adapters not supporting visibility. For example lea…
We upgraded nystudio107/craft-seomatic (from 3.3.48 to 3.4.24) and a bunch of other packages, but then found our upgrade did not work and so we had to revert. However, now we get an error whenever w…