Tour popover appears near Configuration button and covers buttons behind it. It is reachable with keyboard, but user has to navigate to Notebooks button first and then after it tour po…
**Describe the bug**
When I move a focus window onto a second monitor and start selecting something or just click on a line, the caret is offset from the cursor.
**To Reproduce**
1. Open Focus a…
Hi Andrew,
I'm currently studying to become a full-stack developer like yourself. I'm currently learning Java Script and soon want to transition to Swift. I currently have 4 Calendars:
Events - …
I completely missed a change in Android 15 about audio focus : https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/behavior-changes-15#audio-focus
With a link to the doc page https://developer.android.…
We have a focus-visible outline defined as a secondary design token in `design-tokens/focus`, which we use for buttons. These same styles should also be applied on `focus-visible` for
- selects
As mentioned here: https://github.com/livewire/flux/discussions/653, I'm trying to create a text input but I can't customize the `input` classes.
I'm trying to make:
Email Address
if any other app is in focus AltTab works normally, when switched to Arc browser, hitting cmd + tab doesn't do anything
macos: 14.5
altTab: 6.70.1
reproducibility 100%
Navigation has to be in sequence and in logical order. After closing, canceling dialogs/flyouts - navigation should go to the element which activation opened dialog. Otherwise user wil…
Hi, thanks for your exciting paper. I want to reproduce it and finetune it.But i meet some question when i test it.
1. Process the nyuv2 dataset with https://github.com/VainF/nyuv2-python-toolkit, it…
**Describe the bug**
Focus input, will trigger transformContentComponent to scroll, but that event not be captured and not update transform state. So the transformContentComponent was location in wro…