I've got an object with 5 samples, and I'm using Seurat v5. I ran sctransform, integrated, scaled, and clustered the object. However, when I go to run FIndAllMarkers it runs in less than a second, ret…
Hello and thank you for your work on GRBL_ESP32.
For a future CNC project in GRBL_ESP32 and external drivers TB6600 I was thinking of making a board with 5 axes (XYYZA) with 2 Y motor and driver for …
It feels to me like our app could improve our engagement with Wikimedia chapters - currently, AFAIK, the only chapter that is familiar with us is WMCZ. :) In a potential future grant, I was thinking a…
Hi all,
(Co-opening in `rioxarray` due to the raster nature of the accessor: https://github.com/corteva/rioxarray/issues/687)
Following what is asked in the doc, I'm letting you know that we int…
Hi there,
Thank you for open sourcing kafka-monitor. As we are currently spending some time in setting up E2E testing ourselves I am wondering if there are any future plans on how the kafka-monitor…
It might be that I'm thinking to far into the future. The idea is that roles (sets of permissions) can be created for nodes in the machine tree (see concepts). If you create a role for a parent node y…
In general, styles should not be attached directly to the `label` element. In the course of updating and merging #583, we found a specific problem caused by the `label` styling. Labels are all being…
This is my config for which key:
set timeoutlen=500
let g:mapleader = "\"
let g:maplocalleader = ','
nnoremap :WhichKey ''
vnoremap :WhichKey ''
and I have a default bind of […
I was thinking, since Google doesn't turn up any authoritative Regex Swift libraries, Regex would be a good idea. I haven't heard of any way to write out a Regex pattern without it being escaped, but …
Backend dev is nearly done, now a terminal app for MVP is wanted.