Could you please add propertie repeat for BackgroundImage ?
equivalent of :
bitmapDrawable.setTileModeXY(Shader.TileMode.REPEAT, Shader.TileMode.REPEAT);
:red_circle: **Title** : Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
:red_circle: **Aim** :The aim of the Rock, Paper, Scissors game is to defeat your opponent by selecting an option (rock, paper, or scissors) that …
I like the cat illustrations you created for the GSoC blog posts. Can I remix them for a molecular modeling workshop?
**Describe the bug**
A recent [PR](https://github.com/PalisadoesFoundation/talawa-admin/pull/2411) to bump dicebear library cause issue due to changing .`toDataUriSync` method to .`toDataUri` and no…
Created by @ matthew:matrix.org.
e.g. searching for 'gsoc' across all rooms seemed to take about a minute for the search to execute :S
This issue is regarding an update on my progress with the 2023 GSoC Exploration Phase [#2978](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/the-turing-way/issues/2978) .
#### Below are the tasks I hav…
🔴 Title:
Implementing Machine Learning Models for Stock Market Prediction
🔴 Aim:
To build and compare various machine learning models to predict stock prices and trends based on historical stock …
Given a package, irrespective of the status of importers, I would like to force a live check (or re-check) for existing vulnerabilities of a package.
Hey I am preparing for GSOC so I want to contribute to this project.
I am comfortable in HTML/CSS and have a working knowledge of JavaScript